Tablet of stones

How is the Tablet of stones is played?

In groups we needed to send another group our message across 12 to 13 tablets/packages. Each squae can only hold 1 character. We neede a protocol that allows the packages/tablets to let the other group know What your group number is (who sent the message). What their group number is (who is receiving the message). How many package/tablet are going to be sent. Make sure you have mixed the packages up so they are not in order and then send the packages to your group one by one.

What Is the Purpose of the tablet of stones?

To develope a way of how we can send protocols to another group with using the tablet of stones method.

Did the Tablet of Stone succeed?

Yes it did but our group didin't really have the correct method of how we were notified if the other group didn't receive a package.

What did I learn from the tablet of stones?

I learned how to send packages by using the tablet of stones method and I also learned how to ise the proyocols.